(RM’0000) 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Statements of Comprehensive Income
Revenue 140,496 304,725 486,802 886,320 982,706 704,764 422,183 449,497 497,141 605,536
(Loss)/Profit before tax 82,536 (48,038) (155,610) 161,898 189,083# 125,296 54,755 202,136 167,173 187,271
Income Tax Expense (14,717) (21,187) (36,728) (85,534) (79,261)# (34,380) (15,926) (45,470) (47,389) (50,505)
(Loss)/Profit attributable to owners of the parent 63,760 (71,741) (195,942) 61,918 94,298# 86,604 37,191 152,088 113,239 129,556
Statements of Financial Position
Issued and Paid-Up Capital (Unit) 1,476,739 1,456,942 1,456,942 1,456,937 1,326,707 1,262,319 1,259,784 1,252,095 1,135,622 1,135,622
Weighted Average Number of shares 1,439,598 1,431,349 1,432,448 1,316,724 1,307,535 1,256,430 1,240,722 1,221,324 1,217,332 1,106,182
Shareholders' Fund 1,753,608 1,668,779 1,767,462 2,007,574 1,844,162# 1,698,831 1,638,405 1,599,974 1,474,912 1,389,868
Total Assets 3,354,033 3,615,092 3,385,974 4,195,014 4,098,557# 3,896,977 3,758,725 3,070,500 2,473,998 2,477,871
Total Loans and Borrowings 1,183,371 1,266,649 1,044,261 1,413,373 1,650,573 1,532,349 1,518,339 1,164,189 728,159 772,014
Net (Loss)/Earnings per share (sen) 4.4 (5.0) (13.7) 4.7 7.2# 3.0 3.0 12.5 9.3 11.7
Net Dividend per share (sen) - - 1.00 3.00 *** 3.00 2.00 ** 3.00 3.38
Net Assets per share atributable to owners of the parent (RM)* 1.21 1.17 1.23 1.40 1.42 1.35 1.31 1.31 1.33 1.26
Net Gearing (times) 0.60 0.48 0.42 0.28 0.61 0.73 0.78 0.60 0.31 0.35

* Net assets per share is computed based on the number of ordinary shares in issue net of treasury shares at:

  • 31.03.2022 of 1,451,145,883

  • 31.03.2021 of 1,431,348,925

  • 31.03.2020 of 1,431,348,925

  • 31.03.2019 of 1,432,544,648

  • 31.03.2018 of 1,299,367,797

  • 31.03.2017 of 1,257,197,597

  • 31.03.2016 of 1,254,944,463

  • 31.03.2015 of 1,222,654,764

  • 31.03.2014 of 1,106,182,310

  • 31.03.2013 of 1,106,182,310

# Restated following the effects of transition to Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards as disclosed in the audited financial statements for the financial year ended 31 March 2019.


*** The Company distributed a total of 25,937,951 treasury shares being payment of the first and final dividend by way of distribution of treasury shares at the ratio of one (1) treasury share for every fifty (50) ordinary shares held in the Company.


** The Company distributed a total of 24,601,619 treasury shares, being payment of the first and final dividend by way of distribution of treasury shares at the ratio of one (1) treasury share for every fifty (50) ordinary shares held in the Company.